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tv   Fox 5 News at 11  FOX  September 11, 2010 11:00pm-11:15pm EDT

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on the massage and they going to come back. >> that is how the whole support is supposed to work. >> has over 5,000 supporters in d.c. the organization recently expanded to chicago. the news is far from over. the news edge at 11 starts right now. stay true to who we are as americans. to renew our sense of common purpose to say that we define the character of our country. >> president obama pausing to reflect with the nations of september 11th and thanks for staying with us. the president smoke spoke in arlington where officials and family members came together to honor the lives lost and to celebrate the memories living on and jennifer davis has more.
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>> reporter: in the shadow of the pentagon, under bright and sunny skies, they joined 200 families to remember a day 9 years ago from the world as we knew it was forever changed. >> on a day like, this the calm september morning was shattered by the worst act of terrorism in the nation's history. >> reporter: the president laid a wreath in memory. he didn't mention the controversies swirling around the plan or the florida pastor who had planned to burn the q'uran, he did appeal to the nation to honor the memory of those killed on september 11th by valuing diversity and tolerance. >> we are not and never will be at war with islam and that was not a religion that attacked us, it was al qaeda. >> reporter: they search for the bench inscribed with the name of the loved one and that
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is where the personal and private remembrances take place. >> when i come here, i feel happy because i realize that people are coming here and remembering. >> reporter: rebecca was a teenager when her father who worked inside the pentagon was killed on september 11th. he feels a connection to his wife at the memorial. she worked at the pentagon and was killed here on the couple's 25th wedding anniversary. >> something to cope with and that is one of those things you don't get over. >> reporter: others say they're dealing with their on going sadness by dealing with the loved ones with the memories. >> to me, the memory of the fire and the flames is fading from my mind and that comes stronger and stronger every year and thasitting there reflecting. >> reporter: jennifer davis,
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fox 5 news. >> >> reporter: the white house said the president began by privately remembering a day of silence. the celebrations honor a local victim of the terrorist attack. carolyn's family gets together each year on 95 tone remember her. she was working inside the pin when flight 77 crashed into the building. carollen's sister mary said 9 years ago today, she knew something was wrong. >> when i looked out the umbrella and two days before, she told me she moved to that side of the building. >> and before today's backyard gathering, the family tended the service at the pin him -- memorial and met with barack obama. james joseph mccallory jr. . >> and families read the names of those lost. -- the photographs of both
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killed. others brought flags, the flowers and wore ribbons in a show of solidarity. in shanksville, pennsylvania, the first lady michelle obama and former first lady laura bush met profitly with families of the victims and spoke to a crowd of 1,000 people in pennsylvania. >> to this they, they remind us not how they gave their lives but how they lived their lives, that being a hero is not just a matter of fate. it's a matter of choice. >> the crash site will be a permanent memorial for all 40 victims on board the plane. even though pastor jones did not go through with the controversial plan to burn a coran, a local group toured a stunt and in front of the white house. as john henrehan reports the
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demonstration was so small that man tourists missed it. >> reporter: among the hundreds of tourists visiting in front the white house on a saturday morning, a small group of protestors assembled. four people carrying signs. andrew beauchamp carrying the paperback copy of the islamic holy book the q'uran and veteran antiabortion protestor randall terry. the group believes that parts of the q'uran are hateful and dangerous to non-muslims. >> the punishment of those who wage war against allah and the apostle is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and feeing should cut off on opposite sides and be in prison. >> that jesus is lord and mohammad is a false prophet is a capitol offense and that calls for us to be cruise fewed according to the law.
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>> protestors tore out a half dozen pages and they put them into a plastic bag so nobody could be accused of littering. the police kept watch on the small demonstration and did not disturb it. some tourists stopped for a moment and then went on. others did stand and watch and some in agreement with the anti- q'uranic protest. >> everyone has the ability to read and to compare the text. has opinion is based on what he read and compared. >> reporter: others were troubled by the deliberately disrespectful demonstration. >> i don't think it's right to hate on other religions. i understand the freedom of speech, but i don't think this is necessary. especially on today. >> reporter: about 25 minutes after it started, the protest was over and pennsylvania avenue went back to the
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tourist. john henrehan, fox 5 news. and better find your umbrella the rest of the weekend. gwen tolbert is back with a final check of the forecast.  the people who walked these streets before us were just like you and me. with hopes. dreams. challenges. today, we do more than just walk the same streets. for a moment, we get to walk in their shoes. preparing us for what lies ahead. down our next road.
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be part of the story. colonial williamsburg.
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>> we had a -- we had a fairly nice day today, temperatures outside were at seasonal and that is not bad at all. sent degrees at national airport; 64, gaithersburg and frederick and martinsburg. we have had a lot of action in the tropics. igor is a hurricane, category 1 and that is expected to intensify into a major hurricane and we anticipate that why i looks like they're taking a north-northwesterly
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turn and have to watch it closely. there are no watches or warnings and going to keep a close eye on it and look at true view. we're look at what is on our way. this is a line of wet weather associated with the frontal system and that is pushing towards us in the leave night hours and that could see a rumble or two overnight and going to wash out as well and it's starting to push through and boy do we need the rain and a slight chance of an early day isolated storm and into tomorrow, we'll see the showers decrease by mid-afternoon into the evening and in tom for the all-important game tomorrow night and by midday, expect to see some scattered showers, not
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much other than that and look at cloudy skies and talking partly cloudy skies, a cool one and 68 degrees by the time kickoff comes around and in the evening hours and this is a look at the forecast. that is nothing come -- not coming up and back to you. >> all right. >> and thank you. did you see it, they kicking up their hills in lithuania and the 362-feet dash, 22 men and women lined up. the winner was a 21-year-old male and he was a pro athlete who run the course in 12.5 secs he will give his mother's friend the prize, 63 whopping dollars worth of women's makeup. >> and at least he did his best. college football is in full swing and lindy is murphy has more on what is up next on
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sports extra. the hokies home turf and will the terps get good practice in against morgan state? i will explain what that means in a few minutes and don't forget, the nationals were in action as well as d.c. uniteed and that is coming up next on sports extra. i think running in heels is easier than walking, what do you say? and that is probably the case. >> flip flop. >> thanks. >> i know. our producer is like for real. anyway. that is it for us. fox 5 news is always d ke it he is two minutes away. see you tomorrow. 
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